Most of the diseases or ailments are caused by lack of harmony between our inner self and our life expressions. This lack of harmony, which we call disease, gives rise to those conditions which produce pain, congestion, corruption, and death. Only when we learn to reorient our thoughts to truth and our inner self to harmony, diseases begin to disappear. Majority of diseases originate from a source which is psychological in nature and create some form of disharmony. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, trauma, negative programs from childhood, mental blockages, addictions, fear, lack of self-esteem, and last but not least, depression are some of the conditions that are clearly psychological in nature. If these conditions continue to persist for long, they may become a source of a new ailments.
There is today a drawing recognition on the part of the best minds in the medical and allied professions, that in the subjective and hidden attitudes of the mind and emotional nature, and in life of inhibited or excessive sex expression, must be sought the causes of all disease"- Master Djwhal Khul
Psychic ailments manifest as dark energy in chakras and at times ruptures its web
Pranic Psychotherapy is a powerful tool in healing psychological ailments and can be used to complement clinical psychology and psychiatry" - MCKS
The psychological conditions that are caused by disharmony give rise to pain, and this pain continues to multiply unless, the underlying condition creating disharmony is treated. Regardless of the seriousness of a condition, it does affect one's relationships, and in a way becomes a source of pain for others. Those of us, especially children, who have less discriminating mind, are more vulnerable to environments which can create disharmony and affect our emotional, mental, and physical state of well-being.
Pranic Psychotherapy, expounds upon the techniques to safely extract and disintegrate negative emotions or energies that weigh you down. It has specific protocols for healing many serious and rigid conditions such as addictions or depression which may take month or years to overcome if reliance is only on medication and counseling. Some of the things to learn as part of Pranic Psychotherapy are mentioned as below
Learn how to practically remove and disintegrate the psychic energy that is responsible for a particular psychological condition without having to ask or reveal any potentially embarrassing personal information. It is not uncommon that in just one session there can be 70-100% improvement for some cases
Learn to treat emotional or mental imbalances, traces of trauma, lack of self-esteem, depression, fear, phobia, addiction, compulsive behavior, lack of concentration, and many more; purging negative programs acquired during childhood that hold us back from success can also be identified and removed
Learn extraction and disintegration of negative psychic energies and patterns to dramatically accelerate the healing process; learn how to conditions such as compulsive behavior, lack of self-esteem, effects of bullying, depression, etc.
Learn advanced energy extraction techniques for affected chakras by repairing damaged or cracked protective web of charkas and prevent future intrusions of negative psychic energy
Learn some special self-healing techniques for depression, tension, irritability, grief and anxiety
Ability to use Psychotherapy scanning to learn about the thought and emotions that create disharmony as well as pain
Learn to heal the effects of psychic attacks that can cause anxiety attacks, irritability, bad luck or even financial loss. Also, get trained on removing negative influence such as jealousy, anger, hatred, etc. and be able to remove crippling energy patterns
Learn how to heal and improve relationships with your spouse, family, friends, and co-workers
Pranic Psychotherapy is a must-learn module for all, especially parents, psychotherapists, consultants, students, supervisors and doctors. Pranic Psychotherapy provides the ability to control the mind and the emotions.
Prerequisite: Advanced Pranic Healing